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Ghidra Backend


OFRAK supports using the Ghidra backend in two ways: natively on your host machine and inside of a Docker container.

  1. Create a virtual environment to which you will install code:
    % python3 -m venv venv
    % source venv/bin/activate
  2. Install ofrak and its dependencies.
  3. Run make {install, develop} inside of the ofrak_ghidra/ directory to install OFRAK Ghidra.
  4. Copy server.conf to the server/ directory of your local Ghidra installation
  5. Run python -m ofrak_ghidra.config dump > ofrak_ghidra.yml to create the default YAML file
  6. Modify ofrak_ghidra.yml according to your local Ghidra environment. This provides OFRAK Ghidra with the paths to your Ghidra install directory and Ghidra log file as well as your Ghidra Server address and credentials.
  7. Run python -m ofrak_ghidra.config import ofrak_ghidra.yml so that OFRAK Ghidra can connect to the Ghidra server
  8. Run sudo python -m ofrak_ghidra.server start

Follow the instructions in the OFRAK environment setup guide to build a Docker container with Ghidra. Ghidra will be automatically installed if the disassemblers/ofrak_ghidra package is included in the Docker build's config file. For example, ofrak-ghidra.yml:

registry: "redballoonsecurity/ofrak"
base_image_name: "ghidra-base"
image_name: "ghidra"
entrypoint: |
    nginx \
      & python3 -m ofrak_ghidra.server start \
      & python3 -m ofrak gui -H -p 8877

Start/Stop the Ghidra Server

The Ghidra server must be running before OFRAK can use Ghidra analysis.

To start the Ghidra server, users should run python -m ofrak_ghidra.server start.

To stop it, run python -m ofrak_ghidra.server stop.


To use Ghidra, you need to discover the component at setup-time with:

ofrak = OFRAK(logging.INFO)


You can only use one analysis backends at a time (angr OR Binary Ninja OR Ghidra)

Ghidra auto-analysis

Using Ghidra auto-analysis is transparent after the components are discovered, you don't have to do anything!

Manually-analyzed program import

If Ghidra auto-analysis doesn't match the expected analysis of a file, you can manually process the file in the Ghidra desktop application and apply any manual patch of the analysis. Then export a Ghidra Zip File from the Ghidra desktop application. In the Ghidra CodeBrowser window, do File -> Export Program.... The default export format is Ghidra Zip File and produces a .gzf file.

You will need both your original file (<file_path>) and the Ghidra Zip File (<gzf_file_path>) in the ofrak script.

Define a GhidraProjectConfig and manually run the GhidraProjectAnalyzer:

async def main(ofrak_context: OFRAKContext,):
    resource = await ofrak_context.create_root_resource_from_file(<file_path>)
    ghidra_config = GhidraProjectConfig(<gzf_file_path>)
    await, ghidra_config)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ofrak = OFRAK(logging.INFO)


This file format is not the same as the Ghidra Archive (.gar) file that you can export with File -> Archive Current Project... in the Ghidra project overview window. The file you need for OFRAK is a Ghidra Zip File which represent one single program, and not a full ghidra project that could contain many programs.


Ghidra api documentation


If OFRAK runs in debug mode (ofrak = OFRAK(logging.DEBUG)), Java exceptions appear in the python output.

The full Ghidra logs are in Ghidra's log file. By default in the prebuilt Ghidra OFRAK Docker image, this is ~/.ghidra/.ghidra_10.1.2_PUBLIC/application.log.

You can check the log file path for your sysem by running python -m ofrak_ghidra.config dump and searching for the log_file setting under ghidra_install .

If you have doubts that the Ghidra server is running, you can run netstat in the Docker container:

apt install net-tools
netstat -tulpn
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      3760/java
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      3788/java
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      3788/java
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      3788/java