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AddCommentModifier (Modifier)

Modifier to add a single comment to a resource.

modify(self, resource, config) async

Modify the given resource.

Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run


Name Type Description Default
resource Resource required
config AddCommentModifierConfig

Optional config for modification. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def modify(self, resource: Resource, config: AddCommentModifierConfig) -> None:
    # Verify that the given range is valid for the given resource.
    config_range = config.comment[0]
    if config_range is not None:
        if config_range.start < 0 or config_range.end > len(await resource.get_data()):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Range {config_range} is outside the bounds of "
                f"resource {resource.get_id().hex()}"
        # deepcopy the existing comments, otherwise they would be modified in place
        # and OFRAK would then compare the new attributes with the existing ones and find
        # they are the same, and report that the resource wasn't modified.
        comments = deepcopy(resource.get_attributes(CommentsAttributes).comments)
    except NotFoundError:
        comments = {}

    if config.comment[0] not in comments:
        comments[config.comment[0]] = []


AddCommentModifierConfig (ComponentConfig) dataclass

AddCommentModifierConfig(comment: Tuple[Optional[ofrak_type.range.Range], str])

CommentsAttributes (ResourceAttributes) dataclass

User-defined comments, list of the comments associated with an optional range.

DeleteCommentModifier (Modifier)

Modifier to delete comment(s) from a resource.

modify(self, resource, config) async

Delete the comment(s) associated with the given range.


Type Description

if the comment range is not associated with a comment.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def modify(self, resource: Resource, config: DeleteCommentModifierConfig) -> None:
    Delete the comment(s) associated with the given range.

    :raises NotFoundError: if the comment range is not associated with a comment.
        comments = deepcopy(resource.get_attributes(CommentsAttributes).comments)
    except NotFoundError:
        comments = {}
        if config.comment_text is None:
            # Delete ALL comments in this range
            del comments[config.comment_range]
            # Clean up if this was the last comment in this range
            if len(comments[config.comment_range]) == 0:
                del comments[config.comment_range]
    except KeyError:
        raise NotFoundError(
            f"Comment range {config.comment_range} not found in "
            f"resource {resource.get_id().hex()}"
    except ValueError:
        raise NotFoundError(
            f"Comment {config.comment_text} with range {config.comment_range}"
            f" not found in resource {resource.get_id().hex()}"

DeleteCommentModifierConfig (ComponentConfig) dataclass

If comment_text is provided, deletes the matching comment in that comment_range If comment_text is None, deletes ALL comments in that comment_range