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AsciiString (ResourceView) dataclass

Resource representing a C-style, NULL-terminated string of ASCII characters. The text string is not NULL-terminated.

AsciiStringAnalyzer (Analyzer)

Extract the decoded string from a C-style, NULL-terminated string of ASCII characters.

analyze(self, resource, config) async

Analyze a resource for to extract specific ResourceAttributes.

Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run or Resource.analyze.


Name Type Description Default
resource Resource

The resource that is being analyzed

config None

Optional config for analyzing. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run.



Type Description

The analysis results

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def analyze(self, resource: Resource, config: None) -> AsciiString:
    raw_without_null_byte = (await resource.get_data()).rstrip(b"\x00")
    return AsciiString(raw_without_null_byte.decode("ascii"))

StringFindReplaceConfig (ComponentConfig) dataclass


Name Type Description
to_find str

the string to search for

replace_with str

the string to pass in

null_terminate bool

add a null terminator to the replacement if True

allow_overflow bool

allow the replace string to overflow the found string if True

StringFindReplaceModifier (Modifier)

Find and replace all instances of a given string with a replacement string.

modify(self, resource, config) async

Modify the given resource.

Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run


Name Type Description Default
resource Resource required
config StringFindReplaceConfig

Optional config for modification. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def modify(self, resource: Resource, config: StringFindReplaceConfig) -> None:
    to_find = config.to_find.encode("utf-8")
    replace_with = config.replace_with.encode("utf-8") + (
        b"\x00" if config.null_terminate and config.replace_with[-1] != "\x00" else b""
    if not config.allow_overflow and len(replace_with) > len(to_find):
        raise ModifierError(
            f"Original string is longer than the new string ({len(to_find)} < "
            f"{len(replace_with)})! Set config.allow_overflow = True to override this error. "
            f"If you expect that the string to replace is null-terminated, then an overflow "
            f"of one byte when config.null_terminate = True will not have any effect."
    for offset in await resource.search_data(to_find):
        await, BinaryPatchConfig(offset, replace_with))

StringPatchingConfig (ComponentConfig) dataclass

Dataclass required to apply a string patch with StringPatchingModifier. The configuration describes the offset where the patch is to be applied, and the string to patch in.


Name Type Description
offset int

the offset at which to apply the patch

string str

the string to patch in

StringPatchingModifier (Modifier)

Patch a string in a resource at a given offset, based on the provided configuration.

modify(self, resource, config) async

Modify the given resource.

Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run


Name Type Description Default
resource Resource required
config StringPatchingConfig

Optional config for modification. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def modify(self, resource: Resource, config: StringPatchingConfig):
    new_data = config.string.encode("utf-8")
    if config.null_terminate:
        new_data += b"\x00"
    patch_config = BinaryPatchConfig(config.offset, new_data)
    await, patch_config)

StringsUnpacker (Unpacker)

Unpack NULL-terminated strings of printable ASCII characters.

unpack(self, resource, config) async

Unpack the given resource.

Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run or Resource.unpack.


Name Type Description Default
resource Resource

The resource that is being unpacked

config None

Optional config for unpacking. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def unpack(self, resource: Resource, config: None) -> None:
    if resource.get_data_id() is None:
    if resource.has_tag(CodeRegion):
        # code is less likely to have strings so more likely to have false positives
        pattern = self.LONG_STRING_PATTERN
        pattern = self.SHORT_STRING_PATTERN

    children = [
            data_range=Range.from_size(offset, len(string)),
        for offset, string in await resource.search_data(pattern)

    await asyncio.gather(*children)