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ResourceAttributeFilter dataclass

ResourceAttributeFilter(attribute: ofrak.model.resource_model.ResourceIndexedAttribute)

ResourceAttributeRangeFilter (ResourceAttributeFilter) dataclass

A resource's index value must be within a range. The range must be bounded with either a maximum or minimum. The maximum is exclusive, i.e. if the index value is equal to the max, then the resource is excluded.

ResourceAttributeValueFilter (ResourceAttributeFilter) dataclass

ResourceAttributeValueFilter(attribute: ofrak.model.resource_model.ResourceIndexedAttribute, value: Any)

ResourceAttributeValuesFilter (ResourceAttributeFilter) dataclass

ResourceAttributeValuesFilter(attribute: ofrak.model.resource_model.ResourceIndexedAttribute, values: Tuple[Any, ...])

ResourceFilter dataclass

ResourceFilter(include_self: bool = False, tags: Optional[Iterable[ofrak.model.tag_model.ResourceTag]] = None, tags_condition: ofrak.service.resource_service_i.ResourceFilterCondition = , attribute_filters: Optional[Iterable[ofrak.service.resource_service_i.ResourceAttributeFilter]] = None)

ResourceFilterCondition (Enum)

An enumeration.

ResourceServiceInterface (AbstractOfrakService)

Stores ResourceModels in a tree structure and provides methods to walk that tree according to given ResourceFilters. Resource instantiation is handled by the ResourceFactory.

create(self, resource) async

Add a ResourceModel to the resource service database according to the given model. If the resource model says it has a parent, resource will be added as a child of that parent.


Name Type Description Default
resource ResourceModel

The resource model to add to the database



Type Description

The same model which was passed in, with no changes


Type Description

If resource has an ID which already exists in the database


If resource has a parent ID but no resource with that ID exists

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def create(self, resource: ResourceModel) -> ResourceModel:
    Add a [ResourceModel][ofrak.model.resource_model.ResourceModel] to the resource service
    database according to the given model. If the ``resource`` model says it has a parent,
    ``resource`` will be added as a child of that parent.

    :param resource: The resource model to add to the database

    :raises AlreadyExistError: If ``resource`` has an ID which already exists in the database
    :raises NotFoundError: If ``resource`` has a parent ID but no resource with that ID exists

    :return: The same model which was passed in, with no changes

    raise NotImplementedError()

get_root_resources(self) async

Get all of the root resources known to this resource service. Any resource created without a parent will be returned by this method.


Type Description

All resources with no parents

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def get_root_resources(self) -> Iterable[ResourceModel]:
    Get all of the root resources known to this resource service. Any resource created
    without a parent will be returned by this method.

    :return: All resources with no parents
    raise NotImplementedError()

verify_ids_exist(self, resource_ids) async

Check if a number of resource IDs exist in the resource store. This is useful for filtering out IDs of resources which have been deleted.


Name Type Description Default
resource_ids Iterable[bytes]

Iterable of resource IDs to check for



Type Description

A boolean for each resource ID, True if it exists in the store and False otherwise

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def verify_ids_exist(self, resource_ids: Iterable[bytes]) -> Iterable[bool]:
    Check if a number of resource IDs exist in the resource store. This is useful for
    filtering out IDs of resources which have been deleted.

    :param resource_ids: Iterable of resource IDs to check for

    :return: A boolean for each resource ID, True if it exists in the store and False otherwise
    raise NotImplementedError()

get_by_data_ids(self, data_ids) async

Get the resource models with a given sequence of data IDs.


Name Type Description Default
data_ids Iterable[bytes]

A list of valid data IDs



Type Description

A sequence of resource models each with one of the given data IDs, in the same order which data_ids was given in.


Type Description

If there is not a resource for all of the IDs in data_ids

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def get_by_data_ids(self, data_ids: Iterable[bytes]) -> Iterable[ResourceModel]:
    Get the resource models with a given sequence of data IDs.

    :param data_ids: A list of valid data IDs

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource for all of the IDs in `data_ids`

    :return: A sequence of resource models each with one of the given data IDs, in the same
    order which `data_ids` was given in.
    raise NotImplementedError()

get_by_ids(self, resource_ids) async

Get the resource models with a given sequence of resource IDs.


Name Type Description Default
resource_ids Iterable[bytes]

A list of valid resource IDs



Type Description

A sequence of resource models each with one of the given resource IDs, in the same order which resource_ids was given in.


Type Description

If there is not a resource for all of the IDs in resource_ids

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def get_by_ids(self, resource_ids: Iterable[bytes]) -> Iterable[ResourceModel]:
    Get the resource models with a given sequence of resource IDs.

    :param resource_ids: A list of valid resource IDs

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource for all of the IDs in `resource_ids`

    :return: A sequence of resource models each with one of the given resource IDs, in the same
    order which `resource_ids` was given in.
    raise NotImplementedError()

get_by_id(self, resource_id) async

Get the resource model with a given resource ID.


Name Type Description Default
resource_id bytes

A valid resource ID



Type Description

The resource model with ID matching resource_id


Type Description

If there is not a resource with resource ID resource_id

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def get_by_id(self, resource_id: bytes) -> ResourceModel:
    Get the resource model with a given resource ID.

    :param resource_id: A valid resource ID

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource with resource ID `resource_id`

    :return: The resource model with ID matching `resource_id`
    raise NotImplementedError()

get_depths(self, resource_ids) async

Get the depth of each resource in resource_ids.


Name Type Description Default
resource_ids Iterable[bytes]

A list of valid resource IDs



Type Description

A sequence of resource model depths, in the same order which resource_ids was given in.


Type Description

If there is not a resource for all of the IDs in resource_ids

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def get_depths(self, resource_ids: Iterable[bytes]) -> Iterable[int]:
    Get the depth of each resource in `resource_ids`.

    :param resource_ids: A list of valid resource IDs

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource for all of the IDs in `resource_ids`

    :return: A sequence of resource model depths, in the same order which `resource_ids`
    was given in.
    raise NotImplementedError()

get_ancestors_by_id(self, resource_id, max_count=-1, r_filter=None) async

Get the resource models of the ancestors of a resource with a given ID. These ancestors may be filtered by an optional filter argument. A maximum count of ancestors may also be given, to cap the number of (filtered or unfiltered) ancestors returned.


Name Type Description Default
resource_id bytes

ID of resource to get ancestors of

max_count int

Optional argument to cap the number of models returned; if set to -1 (default) then any number of ancestors may be returned

r_filter Optional[ofrak.service.resource_service_i.ResourceFilter]

Optional resource filter for the resource models returned; if set to None, all ancestors may be returned (the model for resource_id is excluded), otherwise all ancestors matching the filter may be returned (possibly including the model for resource_id), up to the maximum allowed by max_count



Type Description

As many ancestors of resource_id matching r_filter as max_count allows, in order of reverse depth (deeper resources first, root last)


Type Description

If there is not a resource with resource ID resource_id

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def get_ancestors_by_id(
    resource_id: bytes,
    max_count: int = -1,
    r_filter: Optional[ResourceFilter] = None,
) -> Iterable[ResourceModel]:
    Get the resource models of the ancestors of a resource with a given ID. These ancestors
    may be filtered by an optional filter argument. A maximum count of ancestors may also be
    given, to cap the number of (filtered or unfiltered) ancestors returned.

    :param resource_id: ID of resource to get ancestors of
    :param max_count: Optional argument to cap the number of models returned; if set to -1
    (default) then any number of ancestors may be returned
    :param r_filter: Optional resource filter for the resource models returned; if set to
    `None`, all ancestors may be returned (the model for `resource_id` is excluded),
    otherwise all ancestors matching the filter may be returned (possibly including the model
    for `resource_id`), up to the maximum allowed by `max_count`

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource with resource ID `resource_id`

    :return: As many ancestors of `resource_id` matching `r_filter` as `max_count`
    allows, in order of reverse depth (deeper resources first, root last)
    raise NotImplementedError()

get_descendants_by_id(self, resource_id, max_count=-1, max_depth=-1, r_filter=None, r_sort=None) async

Get the resource models of the descendants of a resource with a given ID. These descendants may be filtered by an optional filter argument. A maximum count of descendants may also be given, to cap the number of (filtered or unfiltered) descendants returned. A maximum depth may also be given, to limit how deep to search for descendants.


Name Type Description Default
resource_id bytes

ID of resource to get descendants of

max_count int

Optional argument to cap the number of models returned; if set to -1 (default) then any number of descendants may be returned

max_depth int

Optional argument to limit the depth to search for descendants; if set to -1 (default) then descendants of any depth may be returned; if set to 1, for example, only children of resource_id may be returned

r_filter Optional[ofrak.service.resource_service_i.ResourceFilter]

Optional resource filter for the resource models returned; if set to None all descendants may be returned (the model for resource_id is excluded), otherwise all descendants matching the filter may be returned (possibly including the model for resource_id), up to the maximum allowed by max_count

r_sort Optional[ofrak.service.resource_service_i.ResourceSort]

Optional logic to order the returned descendants by the value of a specific attribute of each descendant



Type Description

As many descendants of resource_id matching r_filter as max_count allows, in order specified by r_sort. If r_sort is None, no specific ordering is guaranteed.


Type Description

If there is not a resource with resource ID resource_id

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def get_descendants_by_id(
    resource_id: bytes,
    max_count: int = -1,
    max_depth: int = -1,
    r_filter: Optional[ResourceFilter] = None,
    r_sort: Optional[ResourceSort] = None,
) -> Iterable[ResourceModel]:
    Get the resource models of the descendants of a resource with a given ID. These descendants
    may be filtered by an optional filter argument. A maximum count of descendants may also be
    given, to cap the number of (filtered or unfiltered) descendants returned. A maximum
    depth may also be given, to limit how deep to search for descendants.

    :param resource_id: ID of resource to get descendants of
    :param max_count: Optional argument to cap the number of models returned; if set to -1
    (default) then any number of descendants may be returned
    :param max_depth: Optional argument to limit the depth to search for descendants; if set
    to -1 (default) then descendants of any depth may be returned; if set to 1, for example,
    only children of `resource_id` may be returned
    :param r_filter: Optional resource filter for the resource models returned; if set to
    `None` all descendants may be returned (the model for `resource_id` is excluded),
    otherwise all descendants matching the filter may be returned (possibly including the model
    for `resource_id`), up to the maximum allowed by `max_count`
    :param r_sort: Optional logic to order the returned descendants by the value of a
    specific attribute of each descendant

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource with resource ID `resource_id`

    :return: As many descendants of `resource_id` matching `r_filter` as `max_count`
    allows, in order specified by `r_sort`. If `r_sort` is None, no specific ordering is
    raise NotImplementedError()

get_siblings_by_id(self, resource_id, max_count=-1, r_filter=None, r_sort=None) async

Get the resource models of the siblings of a resource with a given ID. These siblings may be filtered by an optional filter argument. A maximum count of siblings may also be given, to cap the number of (filtered or unfiltered) siblings returned.


Name Type Description Default
resource_id bytes

ID of resource to get siblings of

max_count int

Optional argument to cap the number of models returned; if set to -1 (default) then any number of siblings may be returned

r_filter Optional[ofrak.service.resource_service_i.ResourceFilter]

Optional resource filter for the resource models returned; if set to None all siblings may be returned (the model for resource_id is excluded), otherwise all siblings matching the filter may be returned (possibly including the model for resource_id), up to the maximum allowed by max_count

r_sort Optional[ofrak.service.resource_service_i.ResourceSort]

Optional logic to order the returned siblings by the value of a specific attribute of each sibling



Type Description

As many siblings of resource_id matching r_filter as max_count allows, in order specified by r_sort. If r_sort is None, no specific ordering is guaranteed.


Type Description

If there is not a resource with resource ID resource_id


If the resource with ID resource_id does not have siblings because it is a root

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def get_siblings_by_id(
    resource_id: bytes,
    max_count: int = -1,
    r_filter: Optional[ResourceFilter] = None,
    r_sort: Optional[ResourceSort] = None,
) -> Iterable[ResourceModel]:
    Get the resource models of the siblings of a resource with a given ID. These siblings
    may be filtered by an optional filter argument. A maximum count of siblings may also be
    given, to cap the number of (filtered or unfiltered) siblings returned.

    :param resource_id: ID of resource to get siblings of
    :param max_count: Optional argument to cap the number of models returned; if set to -1
    (default) then any number of siblings may be returned
    :param r_filter: Optional resource filter for the resource models returned; if set to
    None all siblings may be returned (the model for `resource_id` is excluded),
    otherwise all siblings matching the filter may be returned (possibly including the model
    for `resource_id`), up to the maximum allowed by `max_count`
    :param r_sort: Optional logic to order the returned siblings by the value of a
    specific attribute of each sibling

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource with resource ID `resource_id`
    :raises NotFoundError: If the resource with ID `resource_id` does not have siblings
    because it is a root

    :return: As many siblings of `resource_id` matching `r_filter` as `max_count`
    allows, in order specified by `r_sort`. If `r_sort` is None, no specific ordering is
    raise NotImplementedError()

update(self, resource_diff) async

Modify a stored resource model according to the differences in the given diff object.


Name Type Description Default
resource_diff ResourceModelDiff

Diff object containing changes to a resource model, as well as the resource ID of the model to update



Type Description

The updated resource model (with changes applied)


Type Description

If there is not a resource with resource ID matching the ID in resource_diff

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def update(self, resource_diff: ResourceModelDiff) -> ResourceModel:
    Modify a stored resource model according to the differences in the given diff object.

    :param resource_diff: Diff object containing changes to a resource model, as well as the
    resource ID of the model to update

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource with resource ID matching the ID in

    :return: The updated resource model (with changes applied)
    raise NotImplementedError()

update_many(self, resource_diffs) async

Modify a stored resource model according to the differences in the given diff object.


Name Type Description Default
resource_diffs Iterable[ofrak.model.resource_model.ResourceModelDiff]

Diff objects containing changes to resource models, as well as the resource ID of each model to update



Type Description

The updated resource models (with changes applied)


Type Description

If there is not a resource with resource ID matching one of the IDs in resource_diffs

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def update_many(
    self, resource_diffs: Iterable[ResourceModelDiff]
) -> Iterable[ResourceModel]:
    Modify a stored resource model according to the differences in the given diff object.

    :param resource_diffs: Diff objects containing changes to resource models, as well as the
    resource ID of each model to update

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource with resource ID matching one of the IDs
    in `resource_diffs`

    :return: The updated resource models (with changes applied)
    raise NotImplementedError()

rebase_resource(self, resource_id, new_parent_id) async

Move a resource which was a child to instead be a child of a different resource.


Name Type Description Default
resource_id bytes

resource ID of the resource to rebase

new_parent_id bytes

resource ID of the new parent resource for resource_id



Type Description

If there is not a resource with resource ID resource_id


If there is not a resource with resource ID new_parent_id

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def rebase_resource(self, resource_id: bytes, new_parent_id: bytes):
    Move a resource which was a child to instead be a child of a different resource.

    :param resource_id: resource ID of the resource to rebase
    :param new_parent_id: resource ID of the new parent resource for `resource_id`

    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource with resource ID `resource_id`
    :raises NotFoundError: If there is not a resource with resource ID `new_parent_id`
    raise NotImplementedError()

delete_resource(self, resource_id) async

Delete a resource by ID and all of its descendants, removing them from the database. If no resource for the given ID is found, it is assumed the resource has already been deleted (does not raise an error).


Name Type Description Default
resource_id bytes

The ID of the resource to delete



Type Description

all of the models that were deleted

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def delete_resource(self, resource_id: bytes) -> Iterable[ResourceModel]:
    Delete a resource by ID and all of its descendants, removing them from the database. If no
    resource for the given ID is found, it is assumed the resource has already been deleted
    (does not raise an error).

    :param resource_id: The ID of the resource to delete

    :return: all of the models that were deleted
    raise NotImplementedError()

delete_resources(self, resource_ids) async

Delete multiple resources by ID and all of their descendants, removing them from the database. If no resource for any given ID is found, it is assumed the resource has already been deleted (does not raise an error).


Name Type Description Default
resource_ids Iterable[bytes]

The ID of the resources to delete



Type Description

all of the models that were deleted

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def delete_resources(self, resource_ids: Iterable[bytes]) -> Iterable[ResourceModel]:
    Delete multiple resources by ID and all of their descendants, removing them from the
    database. If no resource for any given ID is found, it is assumed the resource has already
    been deleted (does not raise an error).

    :param resource_ids: The ID of the resources to delete

    :return: all of the models that were deleted
    raise NotImplementedError()

ResourceSort dataclass

ResourceSort(attribute: ofrak.model.resource_model.ResourceIndexedAttribute, direction: ofrak.service.resource_service_i.ResourceSortDirection = )

ResourceSortDirection (Enum)

An enumeration.