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Magic (ResourceAttributes) dataclass

Magic(mime: str, descriptor: str)

MagicAnalyzer (Analyzer)

Analyze a binary blob to extract its mimetype and magic description.

analyze(self, resource, config=None) async

Analyze a resource for to extract specific ResourceAttributes.

Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run or Resource.analyze.


Name Type Description Default
resource Resource

The resource that is being analyzed


Optional config for analyzing. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run.



Type Description

The analysis results

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def analyze(self, resource: Resource, config=None) -> Magic:
    data = await resource.get_data()
        raise ComponentMissingDependencyError(self, LIBMAGIC_DEP)
        magic_mime = magic.from_buffer(data, mime=True)
        magic_description = magic.from_buffer(data)
        return Magic(magic_mime, magic_description)


Pattern to tag resources based on its mime description.

register(resource_tag, matcher) classmethod

Register a callable that determines whether the given resource tag should be applied.

Source code in ofrak/core/
def register(cls, resource_tag: ResourceTag, matcher: Callable[[str], bool]):
    Register a callable that determines whether the given resource tag should be applied.
    if matcher in cls.matchers:
        raise AlreadyExistError("Registering already-registered matcher")
    cls.matchers[matcher] = resource_tag

run(resource, magic_description) classmethod

Run this pattern against a given resource, tagging it based on registered tags.

This method is designed to be called by the MagicIdentifier.

Source code in ofrak/core/
def run(cls, resource: Resource, magic_description: str):
    Run this pattern against a given resource, tagging it based on registered tags.

    This method is designed to be called by the [MagicIdentifier][ofrak.core.magic.MagicIdentifier].
    for matcher, resource_type in cls.matchers.items():
        if matcher(magic_description):

MagicIdentifier (Identifier)

Identify resources using three identifier patterns:

  1. MagicMimePattern
  2. MagicDescriptionPattern
  3. RawMagicPattern

OFRAK component authors can "register" magic patterns to run whenever this identifier is:

MagicMimePattern.register(GenericBinary, "application/octet-stream")

identify(self, resource, config=None) async

Perform identification on the given resource.

Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run Resource.identify.


Name Type Description Default
resource Resource required

Optional config for identifying. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def identify(self, resource: Resource, config=None) -> None:
    _magic = await resource.analyze(Magic), _magic.mime), _magic.descriptor)


Pattern to tag resources based on their mimetype.

register(resource_tag, mime_types) classmethod

Register what resource tags correspond to specific mime types.

Source code in ofrak/core/
def register(cls, resource_tag: ResourceTag, mime_types: Union[Iterable[str], str]):
    Register what resource tags correspond to specific mime types.

    if isinstance(mime_types, str):
        mime_types = [mime_types]
    for mime_type in mime_types:
        if mime_type in cls.tags_by_mime:
            raise AlreadyExistError(f"Registering already-registered mime type: {mime_type}")
        cls.tags_by_mime[mime_type] = resource_tag

run(resource, magic_mime) classmethod

Run the pattern against a given resource, tagging it based on matching mime types.

This method is designed to be called by the MagicIdentifier.

Source code in ofrak/core/
def run(cls, resource: Resource, magic_mime: str):
    Run the pattern against a given resource, tagging it based on matching mime types.

    This method is designed to be called by the [MagicIdentifier][ofrak.core.magic.MagicIdentifier].
    tag = cls.tags_by_mime.get(magic_mime)
    if tag is not None:


Pattern to tag resource based on custom raw magic matching patterns.

MAX_SEARCH_SIZE specifies how many bytes this pattern's run method exposes to registered matches (the first MAX_SEARCH_SIZE bytes of a resource are exposed).

register(resource_tag, matcher) classmethod

Register a callable that determines whether the given resource tag should be applied.

Source code in ofrak/core/
def register(cls, resource_tag: ResourceTag, matcher: Callable[[bytes], bool]):
    Register a callable that determines whether the given resource tag should be applied.
    if matcher in cls.matchers:
        raise AlreadyExistError("Registering already-registered matcher")
    cls.matchers[matcher] = resource_tag

run(resource) async classmethod

Run the pattern against a given resource, tagging it based on registered tags. Note that the first MAX_SEARCH_SIZE bytes of a resource are made available to the callable.

This method is designed to be called by the MagicIdentifier.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def run(cls, resource: Resource):
    Run the pattern against a given resource, tagging it based on registered tags.
    Note that the first MAX_SEARCH_SIZE bytes of a resource are made available to the callable.

    This method is designed to be called by the [MagicIdentifier][ofrak.core.magic.MagicIdentifier].
    data_length = min(await resource.get_data_length(), cls.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE)
    data = await resource.get_data(range=Range(0, data_length))
    for matcher, resource_type in cls.matchers.items():
        if matcher(data):

_LibmagicDependency (ComponentExternalTool) private

__init__(self) special

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Source code in ofrak/core/
def __init__(self):

        import magic as _magic

        _LibmagicDependency._magic = _magic
    except ImportError:
        _LibmagicDependency._magic = None

is_tool_installed(self) async

Check if a tool is installed by running it with the install_check_arg. This method runs <tool> <install_check_arg>.


Type Description

True if the tool command returned zero, False if tool could not be found or returned non-zero exit code.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def is_tool_installed(self) -> bool: