ElfDynamicSectionUnpacker (Unpacker)
unpack(self, resource, config=None)
Unpack the given resource.
Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run Resource.run or Resource.unpack.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
resource |
Resource |
The resource that is being unpacked |
required |
config |
Optional config for unpacking. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run. |
None |
Source code in ofrak/core/elf/unpacker.py
async def unpack(self, resource: Resource, config=None):
e_section = await resource.view_as(ElfDynamicSection)
elf_r = await e_section.get_elf()
e_basic_header = await elf_r.get_basic_header()
dyn_entry_size = 16 if e_basic_header.get_bitwidth() is BitWidth.BIT_64 else 8
await make_children_helper(resource, ElfDynamicEntry, dyn_entry_size, None)
ElfPointerArraySectionUnpacker (Unpacker)
unpack(self, resource, config=None)
Unpack the given resource.
Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run Resource.run or Resource.unpack.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
resource |
Resource |
The resource that is being unpacked |
required |
config |
Optional config for unpacking. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run. |
None |
Source code in ofrak/core/elf/unpacker.py
async def unpack(self, resource: Resource, config=None):
elf_r = await resource.get_only_ancestor_as_view(Elf, ResourceFilter.with_tags(Elf))
e_basic_header = await elf_r.get_basic_header()
addr_size = 4 if e_basic_header.get_bitwidth() is BitWidth.BIT_32 else 8
await make_children_helper(resource, ElfVirtualAddress, addr_size, None)
ElfRelaUnpacker (Unpacker)
unpack(self, resource, config=None)
Unpack the given resource.
Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run Resource.run or Resource.unpack.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
resource |
Resource |
The resource that is being unpacked |
required |
config |
Optional config for unpacking. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run. |
None |
Source code in ofrak/core/elf/unpacker.py
async def unpack(self, resource: Resource, config=None):
e_section = await resource.view_as(ElfRelaSection)
elf_r = await e_section.get_elf()
e_basic_header = await elf_r.get_basic_header()
rela_size = 24 if e_basic_header.get_bitwidth() is BitWidth.BIT_64 else 12
await make_children_helper(resource, ElfRelaEntry, rela_size, None)
ElfSymbolUnpacker (Unpacker)
unpack(self, resource, config=None)
Unpack the given resource.
Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run Resource.run or Resource.unpack.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
resource |
Resource |
The resource that is being unpacked |
required |
config |
Optional config for unpacking. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run. |
None |
Source code in ofrak/core/elf/unpacker.py
async def unpack(self, resource: Resource, config=None):
e_section = await resource.view_as(ElfSymbolSection)
elf_r = await e_section.get_elf()
e_basic_header = await elf_r.get_basic_header()
symbol_size = 16 if e_basic_header.get_bitwidth() is BitWidth.BIT_32 else 24
await make_children_helper(
resource, ElfSymbol, symbol_size, AttributesType[ElfSymbolStructure]
ElfUnpacker (Unpacker)
unpack(self, resource, config=None)
Unpack ELF headers and sections / segments into the OFRAK resource tree.
After unpacking the ElfHeader, the unpacker first unpacks ElfSections defined in the ElfSectionHeader into the resource tree.
If no executable sections are found, then the proceeding ElfProgramHeader unpacking routine is permitted to unpack LOAD-able ElfSegments into the resource tree. Executable LOAD-able ElfSegments are unpacked into CodeRegions.
legend: + composable child ^ exclusive child [ ] optional / conditional child (s) one or more instances of child
RESOURCE + ElfBasicHeader + ElfHeader [+] ElfProgramHeader (creates LOAD-able ElfSegments if ElfSectionHeaders yields no CodeRegions) [+] ElfSectionHeader [+] ElfSection(s) [^] ElfFiniArraySection (if FINI_ARRAY) [^] ElfInitArraySection (if INIT_ARRAY) [^] ElfDynamicSection (if DYNAMIC) [^] ElfRelaSection (if RELA) [^] ElfDynSymbolSection (if DYNSYM) [^] ElfSymbolSection (if SYMTAB) [^] ElfStringSection (if STRTAB) [+] CodeRegion (if executable) [+] ElfSectionNameStringSection (if name string section) [+] ElfSegment(s) (if ElfSection yields no CodeRegions, [+] CodeRegion (if executable) LOAD-able ElfSegments will populate the body of the resource tree instead)
Source code in ofrak/core/elf/unpacker.py
async def unpack(self, resource: Resource, config=None):
Unpack ELF headers and sections / segments into the OFRAK resource tree.
After unpacking the ElfHeader, the unpacker first unpacks ElfSections defined in the ElfSectionHeader into the
resource tree.
If no executable sections are found, then the proceeding ElfProgramHeader unpacking routine is permitted to
unpack LOAD-able ElfSegments into the resource tree. Executable LOAD-able ElfSegments are unpacked into
legend: + composable child
^ exclusive child
[ ] optional / conditional child
(s) one or more instances of child
+ ElfBasicHeader
+ ElfHeader
[+] ElfProgramHeader (creates LOAD-able ElfSegments if ElfSectionHeaders yields no CodeRegions)
[+] ElfSectionHeader
[+] ElfSection(s)
[^] ElfFiniArraySection (if FINI_ARRAY)
[^] ElfInitArraySection (if INIT_ARRAY)
[^] ElfDynamicSection (if DYNAMIC)
[^] ElfRelaSection (if RELA)
[^] ElfDynSymbolSection (if DYNSYM)
[^] ElfSymbolSection (if SYMTAB)
[^] ElfStringSection (if STRTAB)
[+] CodeRegion (if executable)
[+] ElfSectionNameStringSection (if name string section)
[+] ElfSegment(s) (if ElfSection yields no CodeRegions,
[+] CodeRegion (if executable) LOAD-able ElfSegments will populate the body of the resource tree instead)
e_basic_header_r = await resource.create_child(
tags=(ElfBasicHeader,), data_range=Range(0, 16)
e_basic_header = await e_basic_header_r.view_as(ElfBasicHeader)
e_header_range = Range.from_size(
16, 36 if e_basic_header.get_bitwidth() is BitWidth.BIT_32 else 48
e_header_r = await resource.create_child(tags=(ElfHeader,), data_range=e_header_range)
e_header = await e_header_r.view_as(ElfHeader)
### Unpack section headers and associated sections
sections_by_range_start: Dict[int, Resource] = dict()
code_region_present = None
# Create the section header/body resources
for index in range(e_header.e_shnum):
e_section_header_offset = e_header.e_shoff + index * e_header.e_shentsize
e_section_header_range = Range.from_size(e_section_header_offset, e_header.e_shentsize)
e_section_header_r = await resource.create_child(
e_section_header = await e_section_header_r.view_as(ElfSectionHeader)
e_section_offset = e_section_header.sh_offset
e_section_range = Range.from_size(e_section_offset, e_section_header.sh_size)
opt_e_section_range: Optional[Range] = e_section_range
if e_section_range.length() == 0:
# It's possible that the section does not contain any data
opt_e_section_range = None
if e_section_header.get_type() is ElfSectionType.NOBITS:
# NOBITS sections never have data in the file; their sh_size refers to in-mem size
opt_e_section_range = None
e_section_r = await resource.create_child(
sections_by_range_start[e_section_offset] = e_section_r
if e_section_header.get_type() is ElfSectionType.FINI_ARRAY:
elif e_section_header.get_type() is ElfSectionType.INIT_ARRAY:
elif e_section_header.get_type() is ElfSectionType.DYNAMIC:
elif e_section_header.get_type() is ElfSectionType.RELA:
elif e_section_header.get_type() is ElfSectionType.DYNSYM:
elif e_section_header.get_type() is ElfSectionType.SYMTAB:
elif e_section_header.get_type() is ElfSectionType.STRTAB:
if e_section_header.has_flag(ElfSectionFlag.EXECINSTR):
code_region_present = True
if index == e_header.e_shstrndx:
### Unpack segment headers, conditionally unpack associated loadable segments
# Create the program header resources
for index in range(e_header.e_phnum):
e_program_header_offset = e_header.e_phoff + (index * e_header.e_phentsize)
e_program_header_range = Range.from_size(e_program_header_offset, e_header.e_phentsize)
e_program_header_r = await resource.create_child(
e_program_header = await e_program_header_r.view_as(ElfProgramHeader)
# Don't unpack loadable segments if the section unpacker had already unpacked any CodeRegions
if code_region_present:
if e_program_header.p_type == ElfProgramHeaderType.LOAD.value:
e_segment_offset = e_program_header.p_offset
e_segment_range = Range.from_size(e_segment_offset, e_program_header.p_filesz)
opt_e_segment_range: Optional[Range] = e_segment_range
# Loaded segments can have no data to initialize with (heap, bss, etc.)
if e_segment_range.length() == 0:
opt_e_segment_range = None
# We need to inform OFRAK data service the order of child nodes to be populated into the resource tree,
# since there may be overlapping regions due to flattening non-flat memory structures derived from the
# binary-under-analysis. We should deprecate `data_after` and `data_before` in favor of a structure
# that can hold multiple memory views (virtual, physical, file, etc.) of an analyzed binary.
e_segment_r = await resource.create_child(
# Tag the segment as a CodeRegion if the loaded segment is executable
memory_permissions = e_program_header.get_memory_permissions()
if memory_permissions & MemoryPermissions.R is MemoryPermissions.R:
await e_segment_r.save()