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Getting Started

Quick Start - Unpack a firmware file and display it in the GUI


OFRAK is a Python library supporting Python3.7 and up. First and foremost, make sure your Python and pip installations are for Python3.7+! Python 3.8 is recommended, as this is the version we primarily test OFRAK with, and some packages (for example, ofrak-angr) require Python >=3.8.

pip install ofrak
ofrak unpack -x -r --gui <path-to-file>

This will install OFRAK, run OFRAK to unpack a target file, then open it in the GUI.

  • The -x (--exclude-components-missing-dependencies) flag tells OFRAK to exclude components which are missing dependencies, which makes installation much easier at the price of missing out on support for some file types. See Environment Setup for more information.

  • The --gui flag starts up an OFRAK GUI server after file is unpacked, and tries to open it in your browser. The GUI will display the unpacked structure of the file, as OFRAK understands it.

  • The -r (--recursive) flag tells OFRAK to "recursively" unpack the target, until OFRAK can't subdivide its components any further.

See ofrak unpack --help for other options and more information on each flag.

Disassembling with OFRAK

OFRAK does not do its own disassembly, and instead re-uses several existing, capable tools. To quickly start disassembling using OFRAK, we recommend installing two more OFRAK Python packages:

pip install ofrak_angr ofrak_capstone

These packages leverage angr and capstone to disassemble machine code. Both are needed, as they work together - angr tells OFRAK information about the higher-level structures (such as where functions are) and capstone disassembles individual chunks of machine code. After running the above pip install command, modify the ofrak unpack command from earlier to include the option --backend angr:

ofrak unpack -x --gui -r --backend angr <path-to-file>

This will get OFRAK to disassemble any code it recognizes in the files it unpacks. A word of warning though - binaries don't have to get very large before disassembling starts to take a long time! This problem gets exponentially worse if you are unpacking a packed filesystem with potentially many executables. If that is the case, consider removing the -r flag so that OFRAK only unpacks the top level; once the resource is opened in the GUI, you can select specific children to unpack.


OFRAK comes with a web-based GUI frontend for visualizing and manipulating binary targets. The OFRAK GUI runs by default in most of the OFRAK images, including the tutorial image. (Note that for now, the frontend is only built in the ofrak_ghidra and ofrak_binary_ninja analyzer backend configurations.)

To access the GUI, navigate to http://localhost:8080 and start by dropping anything you'd like into it!

Building from Docker

OFRAK also has a Docker build system. This has the advantage of producing a consistent environment with all dependencies installed, but requires a Docker installation and running the build procedure. Check out the Docker build documentation if you are interested.


A great way to get started with OFRAK is to go through the interactive tutorial.

Run it with the following commands:

make tutorial-image  # create the Docker image for the tutorial
make tutorial-run

It takes a minute for the notebook to start up. Once running, you can access the tutorial from localhost:8888 with your web browser. Have fun!


The official documentation for the most up-to-date OFRAK lives at

If you would like to generate the docs yourself for offline viewing, follow the instructions in the docs/ file.

Guides and examples

Once you've completed the tutorial, you'll be interested in the following resources (which you can see on the left of this page):

  • More details about how OFRAK works and how to use it: User Guide and Contributor Guide;
  • References: Examples, covering common tasks you might want to perform with OFRAK, and the Code Reference.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why do my CodeRegions not have any code?

I ran a modifier and flushed the resource. The bytes did change, but my view is reporting the same values. Why?

  • The bytes may have changed, but the analysis that depends on those bytes may not have been forced to re-run. You can force this analysis to update by re-running await resource.view_as if you want to get an updated view after modifying data the view depends on.