AnalyzerOutputFilter (ComponentFilter)
Only allow analyzers whose outputs have some overlap with the requested outputs.
filter(self, components)
Filter out components according to the rules this component enforces.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
components |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
Components to filter |
required |
Type | Description |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
All components which this filter allows |
Source code in ofrak/model/
def filter(self, components: Set[ComponentInterface]) -> Set[ComponentInterface]:
def component_is_analyzer_with_outputs(c: ComponentInterface):
if _isinstance(c, Analyzer):
analyzer_outputs = set(c.get_outputs_as_attribute_types()) # type: ignore
return self.outputs.issubset(analyzer_outputs)
return False
return {c for c in components if component_is_analyzer_with_outputs(c)}
Return repr(self).
Source code in ofrak/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"AnalyzerOutputFilter({', '.join(attr_t.__name__ for attr_t in self.outputs)})"
ComponentAndMetaFilter (ComponentFilter)
Only allow components which match all of multiple filters. If there are no filters, all components will be filtered out.
Return repr(self).
Source code in ofrak/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"({' and '.join(f.__repr__() for f in self.filters)})"
filter(self, components)
Filter out components according to the rules this component enforces.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
components |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
Components to filter |
required |
Type | Description |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
All components which this filter allows |
Source code in ofrak/model/
def filter(self, components: Set[ComponentInterface]) -> Set[ComponentInterface]:
if 0 == len(self.filters):
return set()
for component_filter in self.filters:
components = component_filter.filter(components)
if not components:
return components
ComponentNotMetaFilter (ComponentFilter)
Invert the result of a child filter, that is, filter out components that would pass it and pass components which the child filter would filter out.
filter(self, components)
Filter out components according to the rules this component enforces.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
components |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
Components to filter |
required |
Type | Description |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
All components which this filter allows |
Source code in ofrak/model/
def filter(self, components: Set[ComponentInterface]) -> Set[ComponentInterface]:
return components.difference(self.child_filter.filter(components))
Return repr(self).
Source code in ofrak/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"not {self.child_filter}"
ComponentOrMetaFilter (ComponentFilter)
Only allow components which match any one of multiple filters. If there are no filters, no components will be filtered out.
Return repr(self).
Source code in ofrak/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"({' or '.join(f.__repr__() for f in self.filters)})"
filter(self, components)
Filter out components according to the rules this component enforces.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
components |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
Components to filter |
required |
Type | Description |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
All components which this filter allows |
Source code in ofrak/model/
def filter(self, components: Set[ComponentInterface]) -> Set[ComponentInterface]:
if 0 == len(self.filters):
return components
return set(itertools.chain(*(f.filter(components) for f in self.filters)))
ComponentPrioritySelectingMetaFilter (ComponentFilter)
Selects exactly one filter to apply from a prioritized list of component filters. Only the first filter which allows more than zero components is applied. If no filters allow any components through, then this filter passes no components.
For example, if the filters are: - filter 1: tag matches A, B, or C - filter 2: tag matches C, D, or E - filter 3: tag matches E, F, or G
and the components under consideration are one targeting (E) and one targeting (F), then only the component targeting (E) passes this meta-filter. This is because: - filter 1 would filter out all components under consideration, so it's ignored; - filter 2 would allow one or more components (namely, the component targeting (E)), so this meta-filter then behaves like just filter 2 in this prioritized list.
Return repr(self).
Source code in ofrak/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"({' then '.join(f.__repr__() for f in self.filters)})"
filter(self, components)
Filter out components according to the rules this component enforces.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
components |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
Components to filter |
required |
Type | Description |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
All components which this filter allows |
Source code in ofrak/model/
def filter(self, components: Set[ComponentInterface]) -> Set[ComponentInterface]:
for f in self.filters:
components_passing_f = f.filter(components)
if components_passing_f:
return components_passing_f
return set()
ComponentTargetFilter (ComponentFilter)
Only allow components which target at least one of the tags in a set. The tags must be strictly equal, that is, super/subclasses of the tags are not checked.
Return repr(self).
Source code in ofrak/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"ComponentTargetFilter({', '.join(t.__name__ for t in self.tags)})"
filter(self, components)
Filter out components according to the rules this component enforces.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
components |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
Components to filter |
required |
Type | Description |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
All components which this filter allows |
Source code in ofrak/model/
def filter(self, components: Set[ComponentInterface]) -> Set[ComponentInterface]:
return {c for c in components if any(t in c.targets for t in self.tags)}
ComponentTypeFilter (ComponentFilter)
Only allow components of a specific type (e.g. Analyzer) to run.
Return repr(self).
Source code in ofrak/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"ComponentTypeFilter({self.component_type.__name__})"
filter(self, components)
Filter out components according to the rules this component enforces.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
components |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
Components to filter |
required |
Type | Description |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
All components which this filter allows |
Source code in ofrak/model/
def filter(self, components: Set[ComponentInterface]) -> Set[ComponentInterface]:
return {c for c in components if _isinstance(c, self.component_type)}
ComponentWhitelistFilter (ComponentFilter)
Only allow components which belong to a specific set to be run.
filter(self, components)
Filter out components according to the rules this component enforces.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
components |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
Components to filter |
required |
Type | Description |
Set[ofrak.component.interface.ComponentInterface] |
All components which this filter allows |
Source code in ofrak/model/
def filter(self, components: Set[ComponentInterface]) -> Set[ComponentInterface]:
return {c for c in components if c.get_id() in self.whitelisted_component_ids}