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JobServiceInterface (AbstractOfrakService)

Job service interface.

run_component(self, request, job_context=None) async

Run a single component for a job.


Name Type Description Default
request JobComponentRequest required
job_context Optional[ofrak.model.job_model.JobRunContext]

Context of the job to run the component in.



Type Description

A data structure describing the component run and resources modified/created/deleted.

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def run_component(
    request: JobComponentRequest,
    job_context: Optional[JobRunContext] = None,
) -> ComponentRunResult:
    Run a single component for a job.

    :param request:
    :param job_context: Context of the job to run the component in.

    :return: A data structure describing the component run and resources

run_analyzer_by_attribute(self, request, job_context=None) async

Choose one or more Analyzer components to analyze the requested attributes on the given resource.


Name Type Description Default
request JobAnalyzerRequest

Data structure containing the ID of the job to run the components in, the ID of the resource to run components on, which attributes the Analyzers should output, and the tags of the target resource.

job_context Optional[ofrak.model.job_model.JobRunContext]

Context of the job to run the component in.



Type Description

A data structure describing the component(s) run and resources modified/created/deleted.


Type Description

If no Analyzers can be found targeting the specified tags and outputting the specified attributes.

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def run_analyzer_by_attribute(
    request: JobAnalyzerRequest,
    job_context: Optional[JobRunContext] = None,
) -> ComponentRunResult:
    Choose one or more Analyzer components to analyze the requested attributes on the given

    :param request: Data structure containing the ID of the job to run the components in,
    the ID of the resource to run components on, which attributes the Analyzers should
    output, and the tags of the target resource.
    :param job_context: Context of the job to run the component in.

    :return: A data structure describing the component(s) run and resources

    :raises NotFoundError: If no Analyzers can be found targeting the specified tags and
    outputting the specified attributes.

run_components(self, request) async

Automatically select one or more components to run on a resource. The components must match the provided component filters and target at least one of the tags of the resource.


Name Type Description Default
request JobMultiComponentRequest

Data structure containing the ID of the job to run the components in, the ID of the resource to run components on, and filters for the components to run.



Type Description

A data structure describing the components run and resources modified/created/deleted.


Type Description

if one of the automatically chosen components raises an error while running.


if no components match the filters for the resource.

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def run_components(
    request: JobMultiComponentRequest,
) -> ComponentRunResult:
    Automatically select one or more components to run on a resource. The components must
    match the provided component filters and target at least one of the tags of the resource.

    :param request: Data structure containing the ID of the job to run the components in,
    the ID of the resource to run components on, and filters for the components to

    :return: A data structure describing the components run and resources

    :raises ComponentAutoRunFailure: if one of the automatically chosen components raises an
    error while running.
    :raises NoMatchingComponentException: if no components match the filters for the resource.

run_components_recursively(self, request) async

Start from a resource and run components on it and then on any resources which have tags added as a result of that initial run, then run components on any resources with new tags from those subsequent runs, until an iteration of component runs results in no new tags being added. The component(s) run on each resource are chosen according to the provided filters and which tags were added to that resource in the previous iteration. That is, the filters are applied to the set of resource which target those new tags.


Name Type Description Default
request JobMultiComponentRequest

Data structure containing the ID of the job to run the components in, the ID of the resource to start running recursively from, and filters for the components to run.



Type Description

A data structure describing the components run and resources modified/created/deleted.


Type Description

if one of the automatically chosen components raises an error while running.

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def run_components_recursively(
    request: JobMultiComponentRequest,
) -> ComponentRunResult:
    Start from a resource and run components on it and then on any resources which have tags
    added as a result of that initial run, then run components on any resources with new tags
    from those subsequent runs, until an iteration of component runs results in no new tags
    being added. The component(s) run on each resource are chosen according to the provided
    filters and which tags were added to that resource in the previous iteration. That is,
    the filters are applied to the set of resource which target those new tags.

    :param request: Data structure containing the ID of the job to run the components in,
    the ID of the resource to start running recursively from, and filters for the components to

    :return: A data structure describing the components run and resources

    :raises ComponentAutoRunFailure: if one of the automatically chosen components raises an
    error while running.

pack_recursively(self, job_id, resource_id) async

Call Packer components on the deepest descendants of a resource (the root of this search), then Packers on the next level up, etc. until the search root resource.


Name Type Description Default
job_id bytes

Job to run the component in.

resource_id bytes

ID of the search root resource.



Type Description

A data structure describing the components run and resources modified/created/deleted.

Source code in ofrak/service/
async def pack_recursively(
    job_id: bytes,
    resource_id: bytes,
) -> ComponentRunResult:
    Call Packer components on the deepest descendants of a resource (the root of this search),
    then Packers on the next level up, etc. until the search root resource.

    :param job_id: Job to run the component in.
    :param resource_id: ID of the search root resource.

    :return: A data structure describing the components run and resources