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DataRootSerializer (SerializerInterface)

obj_to_pjson(self, obj, type_hint)

Serialize the object to PJSON. Note that the generic self._service.to_pjson can be used here.

Source code in ofrak/service/serialization/serializers/
def obj_to_pjson(self, obj: _DataRoot, type_hint: Any) -> Dict[str, PJSONType]:
    data_root_pjson = {
        attr_name: self._service.to_pjson(getattr(obj, attr_name), type_hint)
        for attr_name, type_hint in self.data_root_annotations.items()
    return data_root_pjson

pjson_to_obj(self, pjson_obj, type_hint)

Deserialize PJSON into the object. Note that the generic self._service.from_pjson can be used here.

Source code in ofrak/service/serialization/serializers/
def pjson_to_obj(self, pjson_obj: Dict[str, PJSONType], type_hint: Any) -> _DataRoot:
    root_model = self._service.from_pjson(pjson_obj["model"], DataModel)
    data = self._service.from_pjson(pjson_obj["data"], bytes)
    children = self._service.from_pjson(pjson_obj["_children"], Dict[DataId, DataModel])

    grid_starts_first: _GridXAxisT = []
    grid_ends_first: _GridXAxisT = []

    for model in children.values():
        default_set: Set[DataId] = set()
        set1 = _DataRoot._add_to_grid(
            grid_starts_first, model.range.start, model.range.end, default_set
        set2 = _DataRoot._add_to_grid(
            grid_ends_first, model.range.end, model.range.start, default_set

        assert set1 is set2  # These sets should always be the same!

    data_root = _DataRoot(root_model, data)
    data_root._children = children
    data_root._grid_starts_first = grid_starts_first
    data_root._grid_ends_first = grid_ends_first
    return data_root

DataServiceSerializer (SerializerInterface)

Serialize and deserialize DataService into PJSONType.

The DataService has some internal data structures which require custom serialization/deserialization, specifically the _DataRoot and _Waypoint. This is done with methods of this class, and avoids serializing redundant information.

obj_to_pjson(self, obj, _type_hint)

Serialize the object to PJSON. Note that the generic self._service.to_pjson can be used here.

Source code in ofrak/service/serialization/serializers/
def obj_to_pjson(self, obj: DataService, _type_hint: Any) -> PJSONType:
    return self._service.to_pjson(getattr(obj, "_roots"), Dict[DataId, _DataRoot])

pjson_to_obj(self, pjson_obj, _type_hint)

Deserialize PJSON into the object. Note that the generic self._service.from_pjson can be used here.

Source code in ofrak/service/serialization/serializers/
def pjson_to_obj(self, pjson_obj: Dict[str, Dict], _type_hint: Any) -> DataService:
    model_store = {}
    roots = self._service.from_pjson(pjson_obj, Dict[DataId, _DataRoot])
    # The DataService assumes that the DataModel instance in the model store is the same
    # instance in the _DataRoot.model (and _DataRoot._children). Ensure that this is the case
    # before returning the DataService.
    for data_id, root_model in roots.items():
        model_store[data_id] = root_model.model
        for child in root_model.get_children():
            model_store[] = child
    data_service: DataService = DataService.__new__(DataService)
    data_service._model_store = model_store
    data_service._roots = roots
    return data_service