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Writing Analyzers

To write an OFRAK Analyzer, a contributor needs to:

  1. Create a class that inherits from ofrak.component.component_analyzer.Analyzer with a defined ofrak.model.component_model.CC and ofrak.component.component_analyzer.AnalyzerReturnType;
  2. Implement the targets and outputs to indicate what resource tags the analyzer targets and what attributes it returns (the idiomatic OFRAK way to do this is to use a field);
  3. Implement the analyze method such that it performs analysis and returns the defined AnalyzerReturnType.

The following is an example of a fully-implemented OFRAK Analyzer.

from dataclasses import dataclass

from ofrak.component.analyzer import Analyzer
from ofrak.model.resource_model import ResourceAttributes
from ofrak.resource import Resource
from ofrak.resource_view import ResourceView

class Foo(ResourceView):

class FooBar(ResourceAttributes):
    foobar: str

class FooAnalyzer(Analyzer[None, FooBar]):
    targets = (Foo,)
    outputs = FooBar

    async def analyze(self, resource: Resource, config=None) -> FooBar:
        return FooBar("foobar!")

Handling External Dependencies

If the Analyzer makes use of tools that are not packaged in modules installable via pip from PyPI (commonly command-line tools), these dependencies must be explicitly declared as part of the analyzer's class declaration. See the Components Using External Tools doc for information on how to do that.

Testing Analyzers

test_ofrak.unit.analyzer.analyzer_test_case.AnalyzerTests provides a suite of test cases that can be used to test implemented OFRAK Analyzers.

To use this test suite, a contributor should create a file, e.g., which should include the following:

  1. An implementation of a subclass of AnalyzerTestCase which contains assets needed for the test: in addition to the analyzer type and expected analyzer return type, this often includes the bytes needed to create the resource. For example, FooAnalyzerTestCase.
  2. A subclass of PopulatedAnalyzerTestCase for the given analyzer. For example, PopulatedFooAnalyzerTestCase.
  3. A parametrized fixture titled test_case which returns the populated test cases.
  4. A subclass of AnalyzerTests, i.e. TestFooAnalyzer.

See the following for an example:

from dataclasses import dataclass

import pytest

from ofrak import OFRAKContext
from ofrak.resource import Resource
from test_ofrak.unit.analyzer.analyzer_test_case import (

class FooAnalyzerTestCase(AnalyzerTestCase):
    resource_contents: bytes

class PopulatedFooAnalyzerTestCase(PopulatedAnalyzerTestCase, FooAnalyzerTestCase):
    ofrak_context: OFRAKContext
    resource: Resource

    def get_analyzer(self):
        return self.ofrak_context.component_locator.get_by_type(self.analyzer_type)

        FooAnalyzerTestCase(FooAnalyzer, (FooBar("foobar!"),), b"Hello world\n")
async def test_case(
    request, ofrak_context: OFRAKContext, test_id: str
) -> PopulatedFooAnalyzerTestCase:
    test_case: FooAnalyzerTestCase = request.param
    resource = await ofrak_context.create_root_resource(test_id, test_case.resource_contents)
    return PopulatedFooAnalyzerTestCase(

class TestFooAnalyzer(AnalyzerTests):

When pytest runs this file, it will run all of the tests in AnalyzerTests with the input provided from the parameterized test_case fixture in this file.

See test_ofrak.unit.analyzer.test_magic_analyzer for another example.