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DataWord (MemoryRegion) dataclass

Addressable data word. Size depends on target system, and is extracted by analysis backend.


Name Type Description
virtual_address int

virtual address of the memory region containing the data word

size int

size of the memory region containing the data word

format_string str

struct.unpack format string for unpacking the data word into a value

xrefs_to Tuple[int, ...]

cross references to the data word

ReferencedDataAttributes (ResourceAttributes) dataclass

Data cross-references in a program. That is, all addresses which are known to reference data and all data addresses which are known to be referenced.


Name Type Description
referencing_addresses Tuple[int, ...]

Addresses of all items which reference data in the program

referenced_data Tuple[int, ...]

All data which are referenced in the program

references Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]

Pairs of indexes in referencing_addresses and referenced_strings representing edges from referencing funcs to referenced data


Create a dictionary version of the data ref information. The keys are data addresses, and the value for each of those is a tuple of all the addresses which reference that data address.


Type Description
Dict[int, Tuple[int, ...]]

Dictionary mapping each data address to the addresses that reference it

Source code in ofrak/core/
def get_xrefs_to(self) -> Dict[int, Tuple[int, ...]]:
    Create a dictionary version of the data ref information. The keys are data addresses, and
    the value for each of those is a tuple of all the addresses which reference that data

    :return: Dictionary mapping each data address to the addresses that reference it
    data_vaddrs_to_referrees = defaultdict(list)
    for ref_from_idx, ref_to_idx in self.references:
    return {
        data_vaddr: tuple(addresses_refering_to_data_vaddr)
        for data_vaddr, addresses_refering_to_data_vaddr in data_vaddrs_to_referrees.items()


Create a dictionary version of the data ref information. The keys are addresses, and the value for each of those is a tuple of all the data addresses are referenced from that address.


Type Description

Dictionary mapping each address to the addresses of the data that it references

Source code in ofrak/core/
def get_xrefs_from(self):
    Create a dictionary version of the data ref information. The keys are addresses, and
    the value for each of those is a tuple of all the data addresses are referenced from that

    :return: Dictionary mapping each address to the addresses of the data that it references
    addresses_to_referenced_data = defaultdict(list)
    for ref_from_idx, ref_to_idx in self.references:
    return {
        vaddr: tuple(referenced_data_vaddrs)
        for vaddr, referenced_data_vaddrs in addresses_to_referenced_data.items()

ReferencedStringsAttributes (ResourceAttributes) dataclass

Strings referenced by functions, represented as ResourceAttributes.


Name Type Description
referencing_functions Tuple[int, ...]

All functions which reference strings in the program

referenced_strings Tuple[ofrak_type.range.Range, ...]

All strings which are referenced in the program

references Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]

Edges from referencing funcs to referenced strings