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Ghidra Backend


The Ghidra backend comes pre-installed in the OFRAK Docker image.


The Ghidra server must be running before OFRAK can use Ghidra analysis.

To start the Ghidra server, users should run python -m ofrak_ghidra.server start.

To stop it, run python -m ofrak_ghidra.server stop.


To use Ghidra, you need to discover the component at setup-time with:

ofrak = OFRAK(logging.INFO)


You can only use one of these analysis backends at a time (Ghidra OR Binary Ninja OR IDA)

Ghidra auto-analysis

Using Ghidra auto-analysis is transparent after the components are discovered, you don't have to do anything!

Manually-analyzed program import

If Ghidra auto-analysis doesn't match the expected analysis of a file, you can manually process the file in the Ghidra desktop application and apply any manual patch of the analysis. Then export a Ghidra Zip File from the Ghidra desktop application. In the Ghidra CodeBrowser window, do File -> Export Program.... The default export format is Ghidra Zip File and produces a .gzf file.

You will need both your original file (<file_path>) and the Ghidra Zip File (<gzf_file_path>) in the ofrak script.

Define a GhidraProjectConfig and manually run the GhidraProjectAnalyzer:

async def main(ofrak_context: OFRAKContext,):
    resource = await ofrak_context.create_root_resource_from_file(<file_path>)
    ghidra_config = GhidraProjectConfig(<gzf_file_path>)
    await, ghidra_config)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ofrak = OFRAK(logging.INFO)


This file format is not the same as the Ghidra Archive (.gar) file that you can export with File -> Archive Current Project... in the Ghidra project overview window. The file you need for OFRAK is a Ghidra Zip File which represent one single program, and not a full ghidra project that could contain many programs.


Ghidra api documentation


If OFRAK runs in debug mode (ofrak = OFRAK(logging.DEBUG)), Java exceptions appear in the python output.

The full Ghidra logs are in Ghidra's log file. By default in the prebuilt Ghidra OFRAK Docker image, this is ~/.ghidra/.ghidra_10.1.2_PUBLIC/application.log.

You can check the log file path for your sysem by running python -m ofrak_ghidra.config dump and searching for the log_file setting under ghidra_install .

If you have doubts that the Ghidra server is running, you can run netstat in the Docker container:

apt install net-tools
netstat -tulpn
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      3760/java
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      3788/java
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      3788/java
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      3788/java