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RawExtendConfig (ComponentConfig) dataclass

RawExtendConfig(content: bytes)

RawExtendModifier (Modifier)

Extend a binary with new data.

modify(self, resource, config) async

Modify the given resource.

Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run


Name Type Description Default
resource Resource required
config RawExtendConfig

Optional config for modification. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def modify(self, resource: Resource, config: RawExtendConfig):
    if len(config.content) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Content of the extended space not provided")
    data = await resource.get_data()
    data += config.content
    resource.queue_patch(Range(0, await resource.get_data_length()), data)

RawReplaceConfig (ComponentConfig) dataclass

RawReplaceConfig(content: bytes, offset: int, size: int)

RawReplaceModifier (Modifier)

Replace a binary with new data

modify(self, resource, config) async

Modify the given resource.

Users should not call this method directly; rather, they should run


Name Type Description Default
resource Resource required
config RawReplaceConfig

Optional config for modification. If an implementation provides a default, this default will always be used when config would otherwise be None. Note that a copy of the default config will be passed, so the default config values cannot be modified persistently by a component run.

Source code in ofrak/core/
async def modify(self, resource: Resource, config: RawReplaceConfig):
    resource.queue_patch(Range(config.offset, config.offset + config.size), config.content)